Senior Pics
Contact Info
Prints Charming
please note our email has changed from verizon to printscharminginfo@gmail.com
Forms to Download and Print
Sports Team Pricelist ​Use this form to place an order for any of our Sports Photography shoots.
​​School Portrait Photography Pricelist ​​​​Use this form to place an order for any of our School Portrait shoots.
Event (Recital) Photography Pricelist
Use this order form for placing orders of events such as Recitals, Competitions, Tournaments, etc
Brochure on Dance School Photography (Front)
Brochure on Dance School Photography (Back)
Wedding Photography Agreement Form
Standard agreement to secure our wedding photography services.
Senior Picture Referral Program
If you are interested in making some extra money over the summer, you can do so with this form and referring friends and family to Prints Charming for their senior pictures.